Everything You Need to Know About Your Child’s First Pedal Bike – Advice by Cycling Champion, Stuart A Blair

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S FIRST PEDAL BIKE Riding a two wheel pedal bike is one of the most looked-forward to milestones of childhood. But often, this milestone is missed or delayed due to inadequate information or resources. In this post I interviewed Stuart A Blair – South Australian Triathlon, Duathlon, and …

EASY Solar System Activities for Toddlers & Preschoolers

I saw this video installation at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City years ago and it made me realize how mind boggling the concept and vastness of space really is.  It is difficult enough for an adult to comprehend. So, how do you explain it to a small child without resorting to …

Help Your Pre-Schooler be Themselves Through Fashion!

EDUCATIONAL FASHION DESIGN ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS Your children wear clothes from the day they are born, so it’s important to discuss fashion with them as soon as they are developmentally ready. Here are some simple, educational ways in which you can start incorporating fashion into your child’s daily lives: ***Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, …

5 Positives Ways to Incorporate Circus Games into Play

CIRCUS-RELATED ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS Kids love circuses, but some circus’s practices are unethical (read my story below). So how can you incorporate circus games into your child’s play in a positive, educational way? Here are 5 activities you can do with your child right now : Discuss animal rights using age-appropriate language. Practice juggling using …

How to Raise a Conservationist: Kids’ Activities that Protect Wildlife

HOW TO TEACH YOUR KIDS ABOUT WILDLIFE CONSERVATION You probably heard about the death of Sudan, the LAST male northern white rhinoceros. Or that giraffes are now on the endangered species list. But what you probably didn’t know is that, every year, at least 10,000 species become extinct! So how can we teach our kids …

How Sound Blocks Help Babies and Toddlers

HOW SOUND BLOCKS HELP BABIES AND TODDLERS Sound blocks a wonderful sensory toy. Not only are they great for babies, but toddlers love them as well. They help with shape and color recognition. They encourage hand and eye coordination. Sound blocks are excellent for improving visual perception. They help develop the senses of touch, hearing …

Why You Should Let Your Child use REAL Knives

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO ALLOW KIDS TO USE REAL KNIFES? Knives must be used under adult supervision, but don’t let YOUR fear drive your child out of the kitchen! Using real utensils builds confidence. It also helps with independence. It allows children to feel trusted and gives them a sense of responsibility. Using real knives …

Fantastic Beasts and How to Fold Them: The INCREDIBLE Art of Origami Master, Dr. Robert J. Lang

I am so honored and excited to present to you this week’s article. It contains an interview with the UNBELIEVABLE master origami artist and a pioneer in this field, Dr. Rober J. Lang! Origami is the art of folding paper which originated in Japan in the 17th century. In Japanese, “ori” means “fold” and “kami” means “paper,” …


Hi friends, I’m so excited to bring you a new guest post this week! It’s written by Jessica with whom we have so many things in common. She is also an artist, a former Art Professor and loves photography and the outdoors. Her blog http://www.collectmakeexplore.com is centred around nature-based play and creativity and is a true inspiration to …

3 Best Photo Cameras for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Is your child taking interest in photography? Do you want them to leave your phone alone? Then, they are probably ready for their own camera. I have been taking photos of Adèle every day since she was born. So when she started to take interest in what I was doing (around the age of 1 …

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